Picture of Team at Plough
Alhambri Script MENDIP MORRIS
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Picture of Alahbri script GALLERY 2024
picture of musicians at Exeter

We can't do anything without our musicians. Just wish we would listen to them occasionally

picture of Horse picture of green man picture of Fool pic of dragon at Yatton station

Our Attendant Characters : Horse, Green Man, Fool, Aelfred.

As usual our first gig of the year was Thatcher's Wassails. Nobody has sent the Webmaster any pictures of the Sandford Railway Inn event, so maybe it didn't happen? The Corporate event was good fun too; thanks to Thatcher's for supplying the photos, as we were too busy dancing to take any ourselves

picture of ready for Thatchers Wassail picture Green Man at Thatchers Wassail picture of Bled grenadiers at Thatchers Wassail picture of crowd at Thatchers Wassail picture of band at Thatchers Wassail picture of guests at Thatchers Wassail

We were honoured to be invited to the Chepstow Mari Lwyd celebrations. Wassailing the Welsh way.

picture of dancing at Chepstow mari picture of Grenadiers at Chepstow mari

This was the first outing for our newly tailored Dragon and Horse

picture Dragon and Hoss at Chepstow mari

Full-on Wassail in the Castle Grounds

picture of wassail at Chepstow Castle picture of wassail at Chepstow mari

The English participants were invited to a Wassail on the Gloucestershire side of the Bridge

picture of Border sign at Chepstow mari picture of Resting between Wassails picture of English Wassail at Chepstow mari picture of Chepstow Castle

The Mari Lwyd Finale at Chepstow Museum

picture of Chepstow mari lywd picture of Chepstow mari lwyd
Lots and Lots of pictures from Janice Lightly on Facebook here

Fashing Parades around Ettlingen, Clevedon's Twin Town in Germany.

picture of team at ettlingen picture of team at ettlingen

The Locals enjoying themselves

picture of masks at ettlingen picture of masks at ettlingen picture of masks at ettlingen picture of masks at ettlingen picture of everyone at ettlingen picture of team at ettlingen

Plenty of Parades and Dancing.

picture of dancing at ettlingen picture of dancing at ettlingen

picture of dancing at ettlingen picture of dancing at ettlingen

Lots of Eating and Drinking of course

picture of eating at ettlingen picture of eating at ettlingen picture of eating at ettlingen

Finale and Goodbyes

picture of dancing at ettlingen picture of dancing at ettlingen

Tredegar House Folk Festival

picture at Tredegar picture of parade at Tredegar

A splendid evening with Chalice Morris Men at The Swan, Rowberrow

picture at rowberrow

Strawberry Special at Draycott with Wild Moon Morris

picture at Draycott

The Royal Bath and West Show

picture at Bath and West picture at Bath and West picture at Bath and West picture at Bath and West picture at Bath and West

Back in Chepstow with The Widders and Cardiff Morris

picture at Three Tuns picture of dancing at 3 Tuns picture of Chepstow Castle

Vale of Evesham National Morris Weekend.

picture at Breferton

picture at Alcester picture at Alcester picture of mass dancing picture at Alcester picture at Alcester

A great day of good company with The Iron Men & Severn Gilders and the usual suspects, KOKI

Bishop Sutton with Somerset Morris

picture at Red Lion

Magor with Isca Morris

picture at Wheatsheaf

The Queen Victoria, Priddy

picture at Queen Vic picture at Queen Vic picture at Queen Vic

A Memorable day out at Victory Morris Men's Day of Dance in Portsmouth.

picture at steve's pub picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey

Bristol Harbourside

picture at Cottage picture at Cottage picture at Cottage picture at Cottage

picture of Standard at Chepstow Wassail

We try to post embarassing portraits (Character Shots) in this section. First up at the Thatcher's event is the guilty cameraman, caught in the act.

picture of Drew at Thatcher's Wassail

Brian forgot to smile!

picture of Crew at Chepstow mari

Horse is always Hungry!

picture of Horse at 3 Tuns Chepstow mari

Should Horse or Dragon ever need Special Attention, the Veterinary Team is on standby

picture of Helen, Alice & Emma at Thatcher's

While Mari Lwyd was happening, Jo had some Somerset Orchards to Wassail

picture of Jo in Wild Moon kit

Parf Preparing in the Pub

picture of Parf in the Pub

Roger leads the way

picture of Roger at ettlingen

Emma in trouble. Again

picture of Emma at ettlingen

Brian, Ruth and Debs. Don't Ask. picture of Brian at ettlingen

Grumpy Green Man on Glastonbury Tor, VERY early on May Morning

picture of GreenMan at Glasto Tor

Webmaster taking it seriously at Chepstow

picture of ChrisB at Chepstow

The things (and Cardiff Musicians) you find at the End of the Rainbow

Rainbow's end

International Dragons Convention


Posing at Evesham

pic of showdance group pic pic seated pic of others seated pic of dog

Press-Ganged at Pompey

picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey picture at pompey

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